Blog | Learning Pool

15 ways to learn something new for free | Learning Pool blog

Written by Libby Cross | May 13, 2018 11:00:00 PM

We’ve pulled together a mixed bag of 15 freely available ways to support your personal growth and professional development

Backed by science, stay happy and healthy with a daily workout for your brain. Curious is a great tool to get a brand new CQ workout every day, straight to your inbox or mobile.

It’s designed to sharpen your brain’s creative, practical, wellbeing and academic centres, with custom plans that fit your lifestyle.

Modern slavery is a global problem that affects more than 35 million people worldwide and is a topical issue right now.

Learning Pool’s free, interactive modern slavery and human trafficking module is designed to heighten awareness of exploitation.

FIND OUT MORE is a leading online source for definitions, word origins, synonyms, audio pronunciations, slang phrases, idioms and word games.

Improve your writing with this useful digital service, and expand your vocabulary with their word of the day.

Fancy learning to code, interactively? If you’re brand new to the world of coding and web development, it makes sense to check out Codecademy.

Learn what you like and don’t like before investing in a certain coding language or paying for an expensive course.

Lifehack is a fantastic source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life.

Discover techniques and tricks to help learn a new skill, or an interesting idea to increase your productivity and efficiency.

Like other forms of intelligence, your emotional intelligence – EI – is not a static trait. By knowing your weaknesses and building on your strengths, you can work toward better emotional intelligence.

Take a step toward improving your EI, with this free test from

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”

-Pablo Picasso

Get your daily dose of artistic inspiration, straight to your mobile with DailyArt. This educational app also includes fascinating stories about artists and their paintings.

Budding artists can learn how to draw for free with online lessons from a professional artist.

Lessons are presented clearly in a step-by-step manner by a professional artist and illustrator. Begin by learning the fundamentals of drawing, like shading, with easy to follow interactive instruction.

Want to get fit, but not sure how to start? Here’s some inspiration for fun workouts, at your fingertips.

Workout Trainer is a top app designed to help you get into shape, with thousands of multimedia workouts and custom training programs.

Handy with a camera?

Enjoy in-depth and valuable lessons about everything from sunset photography, focal length, pop up flash and travel photography. Even if you’re just looking for a refresher course about your craft, we think these free lessons are well worth your time.

Get your knit on with Bluprint.

Online arts and crafts classes range from knitting to cake decorating and paper art.

Develop new skills and techniques through engaging, interactive video tutorials and handy downloadable workshops.

Learn a new language, for free, with this brilliant little app, Duolingo.

Earn points for correct answers, race against the clock, and level up with gamified and bite-sized lessons.

It’s pretty addictive though – don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Pocket, is a nifty little tool that lets you save interesting content for offline reading as you browse.

You can look up everything you’ve saved, even with no internet connection. Great for passing the time when travelling.

Practising mindfulness can help you enjoy life more and understand yourself better. It’s proven to help reduce stress, anxiety levels and boost your memory.

The Free Mindfulness Project is a great place to start, packed with superb tips, advice and free resources, all from mindfulness experts.

If you’re staying in the work-related learning zone, OpenLearn from the lovely folk at Open University is an educational website that will give you free access to course materials and expert opinions on topical issues.

“Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not clichés but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path.”

-Philip Sweet