An irreverent look at what’s going on in the world of online learning. We cut through the bluster to get to the heart of what online learning should be – and what it shouldn’t.
There’ll be interviews, panel discussions, and much more, along with the recurring segment ‘The Death of E-learning’ where we ask our guests which element of L&D they’d throw out if they had the chance.
Released monthly, available from all good podcast providers.
What’s the value of learners recognising themselves in the content they work through? The answer is, they connect with it more deeply and are more likely to remember. If we make learning feel personal, we create deeper connections with the subject, simple as that.
And, what if the opposite happens and we leave some learners by the wayside?
In this episode, we hear from four members of the LGBTQ+ community about what it feels like to be left out, and the joy of feeling included.