Blog | Learning Pool

Introducing Rapids - Our new content creation tool within Learning Pool Platform

Written by Rachael Rooney | Jan 19, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Introducing our latest Learning Pool Platform feature – Rapids. You can now create and publish content directly from the resources section of Learning Pool Platform.

The past year has seen more demand than ever for producing content and learning materials for the growing remote workplace. This has seen a rise in the creation of micro-learning, articles, blog posts and resources that can inform and educate your learners right when they need it most.

Early last year, pre-Covid19, we ran a design sprint with part of it focusing on content development. The aim of the design sprint was to find ideas on how we can best support our customers in their day to day roles. One of the key messages that came from this was a need for a simple content creation tool tied directly to the LXP.

The birth of Rapids

Following further research and interviews with some of our customers, we decided to develop a feature directly embedded within the platform that would allow our admins to easily create and launch content all from within the LXP. We were very clear that we were not looking to build an entire authoring tool as we already have that with Adapt Builder. We wanted to hit that sweet spot for easy creation and design that focuses on the key messaging in the content.

Out of this design sprint Rapids was born, and we were quickly on our way to planning and designing an easy to use, feature-rich tool that allows you to design your pages with a WYSIWYG editor, ensuring you know exactly how the content will appear to your users.

The creation of Rapids content has been made as simple as possible, allowing you to create and edit the content directly from the resources section of Learning Pool Platform. This also means you are only a few clicks away from adding the content into a Learning Experience.

A seamless experience

Rapids provides users with a seamless experience from within Learning Pool Platform, allowing them to create and publish simple and effective xAPI content quickly. With inline editing, multiple layout options and a range of widgets, you’ll be able to get content directly to your learners in no time.

You can create a range of content types that will help engage and upskill your learners. Create micro-learning, articles, blog posts and more with images, video and quizzes. Just drag and drop components to create your content.

Flexible, accessible content

Rapids allows you to vary the style of your pages by providing a variety of layout options so you can design the content to suit the learning or message you are delivering. Using multiple section layouts throughout the page allows you to keep your learners engaged and presents all of the information that they need in a format they’ll love. Within each of these sections, you can add a variety of interactive widgets that can also be stacked vertically, allowing for an infinite number of possible page choices to suit your content.

All Rapids content is stored in the resources section of the LXP, allowing you to easily select a resource and add it to a Learning Experience in a matter of minutes.

The content has also been designed to ensure you can easily capture xAPI statements on how your learners are engaging with it. With no manual configuration required, simply add a Rapids page to a Learning Experience and watch as it delivers the xAPI statements directly to your Learning Locker instance.

We’re really excited to get Rapids out into the world and can’t wait to see the types of content that you create.

Find out more

Catch Product Manager, Kevin Doherty’s recent webinar – Introducing Rapids, on-demand now, to find out more, you can also visit the Rapids webpage to explore the features and uses of Rapids.

e-learning content
learning locker
Stream LXP