Blog | Learning Pool

Learning Pool Labs saves the world again | Learning Pool

Written by Libby Cross | Jul 7, 2020 11:00:00 PM

Learning in the daily workflow is a concept that recognizes that for learning to really take place, it must fit around and align itself to our working days and working lives. This approach to learning enables employers to ensure that the information employees need to perform optimally can be instantly accessed. Through excellent instructional design and cutting-edge technology, we can build solutions and experiences that make learning an integral part of our daily work.

Last summer, following Learning Pool’s acquisition of HT2 Labs, Chief Product Officer (and former CEO of HT2 Labs), Ben Betts launched the Learning Pool Labs initiative as a call-to-action seeking new ideas from across the business. Delivering learning interactions within our ‘learnbot’, Flo, to improve engagement and learning through ease and speed of access, Flo v2.0 was our Learning Pool Labs 2019 winner. 

What is Flo v2.0?

Flo is our personalized learning chatbot, linking learners to relevant content using natural language search and directs them to their assigned learning to help introduce learning and development into the daily workflow. 

Pitched by Product Manager, Callum Gilbanks and Academy Manager, Matt Watts, the proposal for Flo v2.0 builds on existing technology to extend performance support interactions to include a wider range of e-learning activity. Aiming to continue Learning Pool’s effort to “put learning into the workflow”, Flo v2.0 has been designed to display learning interactions (multiple-choice questions, for example) within Flo’s chat window. 

By putting mandatory training assessments into the chat window, the completion of training of any kind has the potential to become much more efficient. Imagine simply answering a mandatory question within your communications channel without the need to log into the e-learning if you didn’t need the refresh on content. Imagine facilitating spaced practice with any content. Then, combine this functionality with our content authoring tool, Adapt Builder to mean anyone could quickly author this ‘bot’ facilitated questions and content. 

Flo v2.0 was demoed at Learning Technologies Conference & Expo 2020 and was met with a lot of enthusiasm from the L&D industry. At the minute, Flo v2.0 remains a proof of concept but watch this space – there will be more to come from this innovative chatbot. 

Learning Pool Labs is back!

The world is very different today to that of a year ago, and whilst the changes are hopefully only temporary, their legacy is likely to be much longer lived. We’ve transitioned from a world where working from home was the outlier to it being the default. Events that were once face-to-face are suddenly online, including company-wide meetings, classroom training, and conferences. The speed at which this has happened would have been unimaginable even a few months ago, and whilst it hasn’t always been a smooth path, the level of success with the news ways has made all of us rethink how we live and work. But as we return to ‘normal’ what will the legacy of lockdown be? What have we learned and what will never quite return to the way it was?

This is what Learning Pool colleagues are being asked to consider for Learning Pool Labs 2020. How can we make what we do so good that it exceeds the expectations of the old ways? Not just looking to replace, but to innovate and improve. 

Can we go further? If we look forward to a world where face-to-face interaction doesn’t exist (a horrific thought to consider) then what would we do differently? And so, for Learning Pool Labs 2020, the committee is looking for ideas and suggestions on how we can do the following in an increasingly virtual world: 

  • Create high-impact remote learning experiences 
  • Surpass the experience of the face-to-face event
  • Support, engage and upskill remote workforces

Ben Betts and the Learning Pool Labs committee are back in the search of fresh and innovative ideas. New technologies to improve engagement with online learning, to enable peers to network and knowledge share when hundreds of miles apart. Submissions are open to the whole Learning Pool team and we’ll be sharing more on the ideas submitted and those shortlisted in the weeks/months to follow- stay tuned! You can read more about the Learning Pool Labs initiative here