Blog | Learning Pool

The future of Open Badges | Learning Pool

Written by Libby Cross | Oct 26, 2015 12:00:00 AM

Learning Pool Live has been a welcome feature of my calendar for the past two years. In that time I have seen it change from a small regional gathering to a major event.

I approached this year’s conference with high hopes and I wasn’t disappointed. The facility at The Brewery in London was first class with the food and service second to none  a real find.

The keynote speaker line up was thought provoking. The mind blowing David Meade, motivating Perry  Timms, inspiring Nikki Watkins and the irrepressible Donald Clark (complete with squishy brain) all brought a different dimension.

However, it was the users of Learning Pool’s services  who brought their own stories and experiences that set the conference apart from the normal run of the mill learning event.  I had the privilege of contributing, flying the flag for the social housing sector, Open Badges and Wales.

Open Badges in Action – Bob Price, Newport City Homes from Learning Pool Ltd

Jurys Inn,  Strada, Devon County Council,  Keele  University, The Royal College of  Paediatrics  & Child Health and Telford and  Wrekin  Council all added their own angles, answering questions together as an expert panel.

Following an excellent lunch, the Learning Pool awards  recognised  the contributions made to the learning industry by their customers and acknowledged the rising stars, projects and Learning Pool icons.  Congratulations to all.

Learning Pool also spent time bringing us all the news from Authoring,  the Learning Pool Platform and learner engagement with some exciting developments ahead.

What does the future hold for the Learning Platform from Learning Pool Ltd?

What makes this conference different for me is the willingness to collaborate by the customers of the Learning Pool platform. Sharing of ideas, projects and completed modules are not unusual. I spoke to two prospective customers who were blown away by how much we openly discussed our work and how willing we were to share what we were doing. Long may this continue.

I walked away with a notebook full of scribbles, new contacts and followers, new Open Badge issuers to add to my list and a little yellow man (red next year please?).

Thanks you to Paul and the Learning Pool team for organising  such a special event.