Blog | Learning Pool

Experience Matters OLX for Learning Experience Design: Making Sense of Week 1 | Learning Pool

Written by Chris Dunne | Sep 30, 2018 11:00:00 PM

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After much anticipation from the L&D world, on the evening of Thursday 20th September Learning Pool (formerly HT2 Labs) unveiled Learning Pool Platform, the Learning Experience Platform designed for a more powerful, dynamic and resilient learning experience.

As a relatively new concept, we appreciate some of the L&D world remain unsure as to what we mean by ‘Learning Experience’. In line with Stream LXP (formerly Curatr)s release we have designed an LXP OLX; a short, but intensive introduction to Learning Experience Design and best practice.

Experience Matters: A Crash Course in Learning Experience Design began on Monday 24th September, intended for individuals working in L&D or higher/further education. Over the course of four weeks, users will explore how to create engaging, meaningful and data-drive learning experiences by combining personalization, gamification, learning analytics and social learning.

Exploring a range of key learning subjects, including personalization, semantic analysis, data analytics and social learning, each week we will work through specific examples across a range of sectors, using curated resources.

What is a Learning Experience Platform?

A term coined by leading industry analyst Josh Bersin, the Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is defined as a single point-of-access, composed of integrated technologies offering many capabilities for all your learner needs.

Building on the foundations laid by the traditional LMS, the LXP curates and aggregates content, creates learning learning/career pathways and skill development and provides the user with personalized recommended content.

In recent months, the industry has seen a growing intrigue for the LXP, with learners becoming tired of the administrator-driven, compliance-focused traditions of the LMS.

As Stream LXP (formerly Curatr)’s next edition, Stream LXP (formerly Curatr) adds a new self-directed learning element to the platform, helping learners to plan, track and showcase their professional development.

What Did We Learn in Week 1?

Introducing the concept of Learning Experience Design, the first few levels of the OLX draws focus on the way modern learning experiences are changing, and what this means for both your learners and the impact this has on your organization.

As always, we like to break down the information from each level of the OLX into bite-sized, key learning points. Here’s what you can take away from the first week:

Key Learning: To recognize what changes are occuring in online learning and how your learners might be impacted.


Key Learning: To understand what we mean by ‘Continuing Professional Development’ and how performance development is more effective than compliance-based training.


Key Learning: To understand how to use social learning and gamification techniques in order to boost  motivation and learner engagement.


Key Learning: To identify what you can do as organization to keep learners motivated and on-track for their learning goals.


That’s it for Week 1 folks. If you’d like more information on some of the terms mentioned here today you can head over to our blog for more information. A little late to the party? There’s still time to sign-up for our Experience Matters OLX.