Blog | Learning Pool

Leveraging xAPI for Long-Lasting Learning Impact | Learning Pool

Written by Chris Dunne | May 9, 2018 11:00:00 PM

xAPI is often (and rightly) seen as a much more in-depth way to analyse results of elearning or user activity in an LMS.

We also often hear people talk about xAPI being an “evolution of SCORM” and being “next-gen” in the elearning industry.

Now, while it absolutely is these things, limiting the power of xAPI by categorising it in only this way is simply limiting the value that it can add across your organisation.

xAPI Tells You What’s Working

Something I’m keen to focus on is the impact your data actually has on the business.

It’s all well and good hooking your LMS into Learning Locker or another LRS and gathering all the results from your learning initiatives – but what do you actually do with all this data once you have it?

In most cases, elearning results provide very limited insight into the actual effectiveness of training.

You might see some learners have performed particularly well on tests or have been highly engaged in the comments.

You might even be able to tell when learners are not participating in the training you have worked hard to provide.

Don’t get me wrong. When it comes to actually seeing the benefits xAPI can have, this is a good start.

However, there are numerous things that this basic insight won’t tell you – how does the training translate into improving KPI’s? Are you seeing positive changes in learner behaviour?

Now it’s important to note that we at Learning Pool (formerly HT2 Labs) aren’t the only ones with these thoughts, this is something that has been pushed for some time, but I feel like it often appears to be news to a lot of people we talk to.

However, some of the work we have done in recent months supports many of our Open Source and Enterprise customers in realising xAPI’s potential outside of just learning.

How Are We Supporting Your xAPI Ambitions?


Work such as integrating with SurveyMonkey in order to get feedback about training from both the learners and the line managers who are responsible for reviewing performance.

This works as part of an evaluation model that provides insight into whether the learning is both well received in addition to how well the content is being applied in the learners’ day to day role.

An example question from a rating scale type question

CRM Integrations

Also, integrating with your CRM system to look at things like leads generated or sales made can provide valuable insight into improvements in performance after a course has taken place.

Being able to start linking sales data, conversion rates or even customer feedback to learning that has taken place has really shown me a more effective way to get the best out of the spec.

Example CRM sales data results as courses are completed built in Learning Locker.

What Should I Do Next?

These things of course vary rarely happen at a click of a button, so in order to take the next steps there are a few things you need to ask:

  1. Does the system I want to capture data from already support xAPI?
  • If not, does it have an API/Webhook that I can extract the data I need from?
  • If none of the above, can I export the data I need to a flat file format?

If any of the above are true, you are in a great place to take the next steps into integrating these systems with your chosen LRS.

In need of inspiration? Check out our Villeroy & Boch case study to see the incredible results they were able to prove using Learning Locker, a combination of xAPI & learning data, business KPI’s and a little help from us.

Finally if you have any success stories you want to share or are keen to find out how you can do this and aren’t sure how, then please do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.