
Learning Technologies 2023

Learning & Development

September 22, 2015

Making OLXs Work For You

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Learning Technologies 2023

Learning & Development

September 22, 2015

Multi device & editable e-learning at your fingertips

We're delighted to announce that our new suite of fully Adapt modules is launching this week!

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A woman incorporating memory recall into their e-learning course design

Learning & Development

September 16, 2015

20 Free Sources of Learning Content for Your Curation

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Learning & Development

August 25, 2015

Adapt Learning | The story of development, delivery and design

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Learning & Development

August 20, 2015

How to keep your e-learning content relevant

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Learning & Development

August 13, 2015

Realising the benefits of xAPI

Open badges enthusiast and Learning Pool customer Bob Price from Newport City Homes shares his take on Badgr and its…

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Learning & Development

July 15, 2015

Say Hello to Our Little (Moodle) Plugin

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Learning & Development

July 14, 2015

Tips on Creating Sensational Adapt Learning Content

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Learning & Development

July 7, 2015

5 Reasons Open Source is winning

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four people working in office smiling

Learning & Development

July 7, 2015

5 compelling reasons why open source software is brilliant | Learning Pool

Learning Pool thinks Open Source Software is brilliant for the public sector. This blog post from Paul McElvaney gives 5…

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Learning & Development

July 2, 2015

Cut your e-learning costs with Learning Pool Authoring

Weve been out and about recently talking to customers about the wonder that is ="" target="_blank"dapt Learning. Conversations about Adapt…

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Learning & Development

June 29, 2015

Jisc Selects Learning Locker to Power Open Learning Analytics Service

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