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Third party entity Description of processing Data types Learning Pool services Location
Mongo Atlas Managed Mongo database as a service All user-related data uploaded to these Learning Pool services will be stored in MongoDB Atlas service hosted in AWS LRS, Automation Multiple regions available for customers to select
AWS Cloud Infrastructure provider Learning Pool services run on top of AWS Infrastructure. AWS host the personal data you store in the Learning Pool Cloud Services. LMS, Authoring, Automation, LXP, LRS Multiple regions available depending on application and customer preference
Sendgrid Transactional email delivery API All data is encrypted with TLS. If you receive email from these Learning Pool services they will be delivered via Sendgrid LMS, Authoring, Automation Processed in USA
Mandrill Transactional email delivery API All data is encrypted with TLS. If you receive email from these Learning Pool services they will be delivered via mandrill LXP, LRS Processed in USA
Cameratag User-generated video service User-generated videos on the Stream LXp application will be captured and shared with cameratag LXP Multiple regions available depending on Stream location: USA, Asia Pacific, South America and Europe
Hubspot Website data capture service Learning Pool website uses Hubspot for data capture using forms on our website and captures data about website usage. We utilise this data to send emails to prospects and customers and for managing your data Website USA
Rackspace Cloud Infrastructure provider Learning Pool services run on top of Rackspace Infrastructure. Rackspace hosts the personal data you store in the Learning Pool Cloud Services. IQ, Poet, Learn.io USA
Mailgun Transactional email delivery API All data is encrypted with TLS. If you receive email from these Learning Pool services they will be delivered via Mailgun Skills Builder EU
Learning Pool AG (People Analytix AG) Learning Pool subsidiary based in Switzerland Developing and managing software Skills Builder Switzerland
OpenAI Large Language Model as a Service and Speech to text OpenAI models are used to provide lifelike responses to roleplayed conversations
Speech to text is used to process conversational elements to raw text
AI Conversations Worldwide
ElevenLabs Text to speech capabilities Text returned from the LLMs is converted to speech AI Conversations USA
Sisense Business Intelligence Tool BI Tool. Used to analyse data, gain insights, and drive data-driven decision making. Analytics USA/EU