Your Learning Technologies 2020 to do list
January 29, 2020
If you’ve been to an event like Learning Technologies before you’ll know it’s easy to get caught up in the magical land of freebies and bright lights and forget what you’re actually there for. That’s why it’s a good idea to make a to-do list or a plan of action for the event to make sure you get the most out of it.
Here are 4 things you need to add to your Learning Technologies to-do list:
1. Catch our free seminars
With over 250 free L&D seminars in the exhibition hall over 2 days, you’re spoilt for choice. Just make sure you add our seminars to your list of must-see sessions –
Learning Experience Platforms: Moving to a culture of self-directed learning – with Ben Betts at 11am on Wednesday 12 February Theatre 2
The Learning Experience Platform, or LXP, has risen rapidly as the technology of choice to ‘keep up’ with the ever-evolving skills landscape. This session will explore the urgent need we have to change our default methods in favour of a more self-directed learning approach, as driven by the LXP.
Chatbots in Learning: The Journey from idea to product and beyond – with Callum Gilbanks, at 1.15pm on Wednesday 12 February Theatre 5
Chatbots are appearing more and more in everyday life, but what are the use cases for a chatbot in Learning and Development and how would you approach creating one?
Joining the micro-learning dots: Creating a high impact experience using bite-size learning – with Lindsey Coode at 11.45am on Thursday 13 February Theatre 1
Micro-learning is perfect for on the job support, but what about when we want to achieve real behaviour change. How can we join up the micro-learning dots to drive on-going performance improvement throughout the organisation?
*Top tip: secure your seat early as these free sessions fill up fast
2. Visit stand D20 and see the real future of learning
We’ve kitted out our stand with all the tech you need to get hands-on with each of our products.
Just drop by stand D20. You’ll find our friendly team showcasing the latest in transformative learning solutions from our new LXP and AI to LMS, Adapt Learning and more.
So, be sure to swing by for a coffee and a chat.
*Top tip: grab a floor plan at registration and plan your route to find our stand
3. Let us scan your badge for charity
Ok, it’s a given, you’ll get a follow-up email, but hear us out, it’s also a chance for you to give back to the community.
We vow to donate £5 to our chosen charities for every visitor to our stand. Last year we donated a whopping £2,115 to Save the Children. Help us make that number even bigger this year.
We’ll also add your name into a raffle to win a Kindle Fire.
Top tip: make a note of the key features you like about each company you speak to, it’ll help jog your memory for any follow-up
4. Book a one-to-one consultation
You can also arrange to speak to the Learning Pool team during the event at a time that suits you, just let us know when and we’ll be waiting.
In our one-to-one consultations, you’ll have the chance to:
- meet the experts behind our products
- ask any questions you might have
- demo our products
- arrange a follow-up call or online demo.
To book an appointment to meet with one of our team, please fill out the form below:
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