Learning Experience Platform (LXP)

Deliver the upskilling, social and end-user learning you need to grow your business with an on-demand learning experience platform that is personal, relevant, and unique
Empower your learners, ensure compliance and measure results

Develop the skills of your workforce
Adapt your learning experience platform to ensure the right skills at the right level are delivered to every learner. Our LXP flexes around any learning delivery requirement with best-in-class components.
Turn learning into an opportunity for discovery
Leverage functionality like deep search and recommendations to create a ‘front-door’ to learning. Learners are never more than a click away from the right learning experience on any device.
Build a community of learners
Introduce your learners to a cohort-based approach to learning that is deeper than just forums. Through a simple, smart interface, our social and gamified strategies make learners ‘lean in’.
Got an employee performance challenge to solve?
Get in touch to discover how our portfolio of learning solutions can help