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DOJ compliance guidance

How we help you align your program with DOJ compliance guidance

Regardless of your risk profile, it has never been easier to identify what makes an effective compliance program. While the Federal Sentencing Guidelines’ Seven Elements have provided broad categories to consider, the DOJ clarifies specifics even further with the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs as a detailed roadmap for practitioners. Yet aligning your program with these guidelines can be challenging.

The good news is that you don’t need to implement major fixes or rebuild your training from scratch. Let’s take a look at how setting up the right environment for your education & training can give you a head start. You can build your compliance program to minimize organizational risk, reduce seat time, and align yourself with DOJ compliance guidance.

What does alignment with DOJ compliance guidance look like?

The Criminal Division asks you to consider a few major questions, no matter your particular risk profile:

  1. How can you prove your compliance training goes far beyond just ‘checking-the-box’?
  2. How have you designed your compliance training program in a way that makes it as effective as possible?
  3. How do you continuously measure overall compliance performance & proactively improve upon it?

Your training program should be personalized enough to constantly meet the evolving needs of your people. The most powerful way to do this is by taking a smarter approach to learner data.

The product and content teams at Learning Pool always make sure they know how the DOJ’s guidance changes from year to year. You can check out 20+ pages in our whitepaper outlining “What The DOJ Wants From Your Ethics & Compliance Training Program.”

Learning Pool primary provides assistance as a compliance vendor, but our approach goes beyond traditional content offerings. We see what the DOJ looks at, and our teams have built our courses to help you ensure your compliance program utilizes behavioral data to inform each of the ‘Seven Elements’. This isn’t something that every compliance vendor can claim they offer. Learning Pool brings you the environment, content, engaging course material, adaptive learning, and a way to proactively gather behavioral data that makes all of it possible. Let’s dive into the details for how our products, content, and solutions can help your compliance program align itself better with DOJ compliance guidance.

How does Learning Pool help you align with DOJ compliance guidance?

1. Offering a right-sized library of courses for a variety of risk areas

Your compliance program needs to offer training that addresses the right topic areas. Our team curates a library of over 300 adaptive courses & training assets… and growing. Some of our most common topic areas include:

  • Anti-Corruption and Financial Crimes
  • Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, and Business Records
  • Ethics
  • Fair Business Practices
  • Harassment Prevention
  • And more…

Our courses are platform-agnostic, and while we offer a dedicated compliance platform, your compliance program can host our adaptive courses anywhere. They’re also easily customizable & receive content updates as needed. We maintain complete transparency for what our adaptive courses library looks like, and you can check it out in our Learning Pool Showcase of our Adaptive Compliance courses here.

2. Powering engaging learning experiences with real-time data

It’s clear that the DOJ compliance guidance means that training programs have to go beyond just ‘checking-the-box’. One of the most innovative ways compliance practitioners achieve this is by implementing adaptive technology. Yet adaptive learning in compliance has become a bit of a misnomer. Many compliance vendors claim they offer adaptive technology but not all data is created or utilized equally. Other vendors simply don’t produce the right learner data necessary to enable adaptive learning.

Learning Pool powers our adaptive technology with behavioral data to make it possible for adaptive learning to take place in real-time, after a course is completed, and year-over-year. While compliance vendors talk all day about their adaptive technology, they don’t gather the right data or put it into action in nearly the right ways. These compliance vendors can only offer a weaker implementation of adaptive technology that results in weak personalization & engagement.

For example, our adaptive compliance courses are built to provide behavioral data before a learner takes a course, during the course, and after it’s completed. These data points are often utilized automatically in real-time. Difficulty level analysis is performed at the beginning of the course based on learner role, how much the learner knows about the topic area, and more… and then this behavioral data personalizes the course content to be as engaging and appropriate for that particular learner as possible. This is how we claim that our adaptive compliance courses bring your people to 100% proficiency/mastery, and proves to the DOJ you’re going beyond just ‘checking-the-box’. You can view a very basic implementation of adaptive learning below.

adaptive learning paths

3. Providing tools that reinforce & personalized learning even further

Another key aspect Learning Pool’s technology can help your program align itself with DOJ compliance guidance, is that it has to show it is “continuously measuring overall compliance performance & proactively improving upon it.” This takes place with intelligent learning paths and intelligent recertification.

With Learning Pool’s intelligent learning paths, your compliance program can deliver targeted training with an understanding of a learner’s prior performance. One way this is commonly used is to nudge reinforcement. The lowest performing categories can be automatically presented to the learner 3-6 months after the initial learning event. Your compliance program can also reward perfect performance by removing learning experience completion requirements.

On a longer-term basis, intelligent recertification can use year-over-year behavioral insights to personalize learning. Intelligent recertification differs from traditional ‘test out’ quizzes, which drop learners into a passive ‘one size fits all’ experience if they fail, with no tangible proof of learning taking place and reinforces the training as being a ‘check the box’ exercise rather than an attempt to build an ethical and compliant workforce. Instead, Learning Pool can help you reduce seat time, ensure learner mastery of all the important topics, and provide actionable insight to prove efficiency and identify trends & opportunities.

When do you know you’ve made it?

Every compliance practitioner knows that as soon as you get comfortable, that’s when you’re most at risk. There are a number of challenges that only you as the compliance professional are best at figuring out. You know the appropriate level of risk for your organization, and you know your people best, and you know how to reach them. It’s up to you to prove your compliance program meets a few of the indicators that the DOJ examines. But using insights from behavioral data can make this process feel more informed and targeted.

Education & training is one of the ‘Seven Elements’ provided by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. But Learning Pool is more than just a compliance vendor for your education & training. We help you align your program with DOJ compliance guidance with the smarter use of behavioral data. Our technology provides you actionable insights that help your decision making for the rest of the ‘Seven Elements’.

With adaptive compliance courses, you know you already go beyond just ‘checking-the-box’. You know your compliance program is designed to be as effective as possible. And you always know which areas to continuously improve and you have proactive ways of addressing those areas.

If you want to know more about DOJ compliance guidance, be sure to check out our whitepaper outlining “What The DOJ Wants From Your Ethics & Compliance Training Program.”

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