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Compliance risk

How to minimize compliance risk and even predict it

Every compliance program’s purpose is to minimize organizational risk. It’s easier to feel confident about your compliance risk level when you know your decision-making is founded on data.

But how do you know you’re checking for the right things? How do you know you’re looking at the entire picture of your potential risks? When is your analysis complete? It turns out that there could be a lot that you’re missing out on if you only rely on simple metrics like completion rates or survey answers.

It starts with setting up the right environment that can go beyond traditional metrics–one that leads to risk-predicting insights. This requires behavioral insights in the context of true adaptive learning. While many compliance vendors might claim they can provide adaptive learning, a large portion of them don’t even collect the right data points that make adaptive learning possible.

Let’s take a look at the number of ways Learning Pool makes it easy for you to analyze and even predict compliance risk. Adaptive compliance courses help you focus your efforts on potential topic areas before they become risks or result in legal troubles, minimize seat time, and reduce risk confidently guided by data.

Where do you find risk-predicting insights?

Your compliance program is ready to find risk-predicting insights when you know your people. This usually requires the smart use of various types of data, especially when you’re responsible for the compliance of an entire organization.

A ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach presents the course in the same way for each learner no matter their skill level, job role, or prior knowledge on the topic. This could mean that a lot of compliance risk remains uncovered! It also results in the decrease of organizational trust, when learners are being questioned and quizzed on concepts they might already know or don’t understand why they should care about. This is why many turn to compliance vendors that offer adaptive learning, because of the promise of personalized learning. But not all adaptive learning is created equal, because not all adaptive learning is powered by the right types of data.

Behavioral data is the first step to knowing your people at scale. It opens up knowing how they would respond in real-world scenarios, so you can identify red flags effectively and instantly address them. You can generate thorough reporting with behavioral data, which allows for follow-up months and even years later.

What capabilities are possible because of risk-predicting insights?

Learning Pool uses all learner interaction data to help identify the modifications that create true behavior change. This data can be used to inform difficulty level analysis as a learner begins a course. Adjusting the course material for more knowledgeable learners can open up new frontiers to address compliance risk. As your training is more efficient with learners’ time, you’re enabled to notice ways to ensure compliance in other areas, while reducing seat time overall.

Another example of acting upon risk-predicting insights is how adaptive courses can automatically provide real-time coaching & feedback during a learning experience. Instead of a learner taking an entire course, taking a quiz on what they learned, and then trying to remember everything at the end, bespoke feedback is provided when & where learners need reinforcement. This takes place automatically, without a compliance practitioner needing to generate an analytics report and then sending out personalized notes to groups of learners based on performance.

Reimagining supplementary learning & test-outs

Risk-predicting insights enhance the delivery of supplementary resources that learners need months and years after taking an initial course. One way this can be implemented is through intelligent learning paths that can increase proficiency in higher-risk compliance areas.

Here’s how intelligent learning paths work:

  1. Learners at different skill-levels and roles take an adaptive compliance course
  2. When this course is repeated to maintain compliance, behavioral data is used to check the performance for each learner
  3. An intelligent learning path delivers personalized microlearning on each employee’s lowest area of readiness

Another capability enabled by risk-predicting insights is Learning Pool reimagines test-outs, which we call intelligent recertification. When organizations collect year-over-year performance data, learning can be expedited in many cases to dramatically reduce seat time by fast-tracking learners through a course based on their performance in simulation. Rather than employees receiving content up-front and then being quizzed on their capabilities, employees can be immersed directly into simulation. As they demonstrate topic mastery, they move through scenarios without required content. If they make an incorrect choice in simulation, they are fed the content relevant to the concept they missed. Intelligent recertification is a reimagining of test-out quizzes, which drop learners into a passive experience if they fail, with no tangible proof of learning taking place. This can feel like an exercise in checking the right box, rather than an attempt to become an ethical and compliant employee.

Is predicting compliance risk your next step?

Confidence in compliance risk management decisions comes from uncovering your entire data landscape. It’s not just looking at the right data, it’s using it in the right ways at scale. As your education & training program is designed such to predict & address those compliance risks, you’ll be able to reduce seat time, target red flags more effectively, and guarantee topic mastery across your organization.

Learning Pool’s data-driven solutions save time and money with a smarter approach to compliance. Speak to a compliance expert today to learn more.

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