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Adaptive learning

How adaptive learning enables as close to 1:1 learning experiences as possible

Over a third of compliance seat time is wasted and unnecessary. While compliance budgets are already squeezed, it might feel like the premise of hyper-personalized learning doesn’t feel feasible. A smart implementation of adaptive compliance courses can scalably personalize your training program.

With the premise of saving up to 50% seat time, there’s value in seeking out ways to get closer to 1:1 learning experiences. The successful realization of adaptive learning can result in hard ROI back into the compliance program. And it’s easier to feel confident about your risk tolerance when your learning experiences are as close to 1:1 as they can be.

Is adaptive learning the same everywhere?

Before we dive in, it’s important to know that not all “adaptive” learning is created the same. Not all course environments can collect data in the same ways, nor can it be utilized in the same ways. Our adaptive technology is founded on a variety of data points that result in behavioral insights. These insights can even be realized by adjusting the course in real-time, which results in an even more personalized experience. Learners work through simulations of real-world scenarios and try out decision-making skills in a safe environment.

Thanks to adaptive learning powered by behavioral data, each learner takes a Learning Pool course that approaches the ideal of a 1:1 learning experience. The course material adjusts to match the role and expertise for each learner before. Instead of waiting until the end, the course provides coaching & feedback based on actionable behaviors demonstrated during the simulation learning environment. After a course completion, various learning paths can be employed depending on performance or desired risk outcomes.

How does traditional compliance training feel for learners?

What is the difference between how traditional learning feels versus adaptive learning? A one-size-fits-all approach to courses means that knowledgeable participants will feel annoyed and disengaged. For learners that want to know how well they grasped the concepts, they will struggle to remember what they learned when they don’t get feedback or see results until the end of the course. They will want to complete the course as quickly as possible. With this happening enough times, you’ll get an imperfect snapshot of your organizational risk landscape.

How does adaptive compliance training feel to learners?

Adapting to new technology in the workplace

What if you swapped one-size-fits-all learning, or branching scenario learning with adaptive learning? People who are topic area experts will take expedited versions of the course material, and will feel trusted to do their job correctly. For learners who are close to mastery, they’ll feel engaged in the learning because they only see content relevant to their knowledge gaps. And learners who get their first exposure to the risk area, they’ll appreciate the time spent on scenario-based learning that adapts to how quickly they grasp each concept.

Our adaptive compliance courses present information in an engaging, actionable, and relatable way. The more engaging, actionable, and relatable a course is, the closer it is to the ideal of 1-to-1 learning experiences. Our focus is on what employees need to know to get through their day-to-day and make the best decisions.

What is the cost-efficiency and potential impact of adaptive learning?

You have already seen a few reasons for why adaptive learning can reduce seat time. It provides a more focused & targeted approach to each learner that allows them to work at their own pace, without wasting time on content they already grasp. Compliance practitioners know how important topic mastery and seat time are. Our adaptive compliance courses have been shown to reduce learner seat time by up to 50%. Minimizing seat time in this way is only possible because our adaptive technology helps your compliance program approach as close to 1:1 learning experiences as possible.

One objection to reducing seat time is wondering if shortened courses for some learners might result in a weaker topic mastery overall. But our 1:1 learning experiences powered by behavioral data can even identify hidden risks based on behavioral data. Learning Pool can help you generate reports to find out which red flags to prioritize.

This is where intelligent recertification and intelligent learning paths come into play. These tools can use behavioral data and extend the impact of adaptive learning months and years after the course has already been completed. Learn more about the risk-predicting insights that make this possible.

Adaptive learning is revolutionizing online learning by offering personalized experiences. Download our latest eBook, Target, tailor, and humanize compliance training using Adaptive Learning principles to find out more.

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