Bucks Fire & Rescue Service first introduced their LMS ‘The Learning Zone’ to the organisation in 2013.
It was an LMS they could use to train their staff and track any training online at the same time. However, they made the mistake of trying to cram every available function in all at once and over complicated their design.
Pages full of eye-catching pictures and buttons that had no real functionality caused confusion throughout the team, leading to less time spent completing courses and more time filling out support queries.
They knew something had to change and so, in 2015 they decided to re-brand their LMS and start again.
They gave it a new name – Hub of Education And Training (HEAT) Online and, learning from their mistakes the first time around, they simplified the design. Take a look at the new simplified login and home page designs below.
Training Design & Assurance Officer, Paul Whidborne explains:’ I want our users to know exactly what they need to do – get there in as little clicks as possible and have fun doing it.
Find out how their LMS has evolved and how the changes that the team have made have improved the organisation in our Bucks Fire Success Story.
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