Comprehensive learning solutions for life sciences organizations

Optimize life sciences employee performance with data‑driven workplace learning technologies.

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Female scientist checking data on an iPad

Trusted by global companies

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Learning Pool is changing how life sciences businesses solve their biggest employee performance challenges

We’re doing it with data-driven learning technologies that apply insights into who a learner is, what they know, and what they need to do. By aligning learning to individual needs and business objectives, we make life sciences training smarter.

Two scientists in a lab wearing safety goggles
Skills management

Get new hires performing faster with learning that minimizes time to contribution.


Minimize risk with adaptive compliance training that guarantees mastery.

Intuitive analytics

Develop and retain your people with learning that closes skills gaps in your organization.

graduation cap
External Training

Turn your customers, members, and partners into your biggest champions.


Success stories from our customers



Establishing a blended approach to organizational learning with Learning Pool Platform.




Taking compliance to the next level by reducing seat time by 30%.

Industry awards

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Got a learning problem to solve?

Get in touch to discover how we can help

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