DFS selects Learning Pool to help ensure customers are sitting comfortably

16 September 2019 Shannon Layton

Learning Pool is pleased to announce that DFS, the UK’s leading living room furniture retailer, has agreed a three-year contract for a blend of online learning services.

DFS has been a household name in the UK for decades, synonymous with the manufacture and sale of high-quality sofas. The company now has over 120 showrooms in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Netherlands and Portugal whilst the wider DFS Group includes additional retail brands such as Sofology, Dwell and Sofa Workshop.

With more than 5,000 employees working in a fast-paced, customer-focused environment, DFS understand the challenges that retailers face in the delivery of organisational skills development. Learners need clear guidance on mandatory and optional learning programmes with content that is engaging and can be consumed flexibly across multiple devices.

Before approaching Learning Pool, DFS already had an LMS platform. However, they were keen to upgrade to the latest version and wanted to increase the level of LMS training and support available to their Learning & Development team. The upgrade project, alongside an investment in Learning Pool’s pre-built catalogue titles, also needed to deliver a step-change in the learning effectiveness and value being delivered across the business.

“We approached Learning Pool primarily because they’re the current Learning Technologies Company of the Year” says Jill Wingfield, Head of Learning & Development at DFS. “We knew that they had the expertise to help us get the most from the software upgrade but could also offer us an extensive range of ready-made content from their learning catalogues and custom content as we need it.”

“Welcoming DFS to the Learning Pool family is fantastic news” says Learning Pool’s CEO, Paul McElvaney. “We have invested a huge amount of resource in making our LMS work in an engaging and effective way for our wide range of customers and can bring that expertise to bear to the benefit of the learner audience at DFS. We’re looking forward to working with Jill and team on the next set of learning content and ensuring that DFS remain at the forefront of their chosen markets.”

About Learning Pool

Learning Pool is a full-service e-learning provider, offering a range of courses, tools and content creation to over 750 organisations and 2 million learners in 21 countries. With the largest and most flexible catalogue of content on the market and a reliable and robust LMS, Learning Pool delivers a highly customised learning experience, combining their expertise in personalised learning, gamification and AI-driven performance.

As Learning Technologies Company of the Year, Learning Pool has also been awarded Gold Investors in People status, retained its two-star accreditation for Outstanding Employee Engagement in the Sunday Times Best Companies 2019 and achieved Gold Standard in Deloitte’s prestigious Best Managed Companies Awards. They are also the only Core Leader offering Lower Total Cost of Ownership solutions in the 2019 Fosway Digital Learning 9-Grid.

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