Learning Pool is now a Skills for Care endorsed e-learning provider
Skills for Care is the national body in England which monitors workforce development in adult social care. They have developed an education credit system called the Qualification and Credit Frameworks (QCF) to create a more consistently skilled workforce.
The framework embeds the Common Inspection Framework, National Occupational Standards for Learning and Development and the Leadership Qualities Framework. The endorsement from Skills for Care now means that our Care Certificate courses are accredited for use as a knowledge component in a fully supported Care Certificate programme.
The programme must also include practice assessments by an appropriate person to certify achievement and competence on the job.
It also provides evidence that the training we offer makes a significant difference to the learner and to the quality of care provided to the individuals they are supporting.
By achieving Skills for Care national endorsement Learning Pool has demonstrated that our:
- learning programmes provide high quality, specialist and bespoke e-learning
- programmes respond to individual learner needs
- services meet the needs of learners with relevant assessments in place
- learning designers make effective use of appropriate teaching and learning aids and resources
- business and programmes are effectively managed
- systems effectively monitor standards and allow for continuous improvement
We are extremely proud of gaining another national endorsement. A key area which demonstrates our unique approach as a leading e-learning provider is the extensive knowledge from our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), who know everything there is to know about social care and help to develop our course content.
They organise, present at, and attend sector conferences and events, present webinars, and contribute to Learning Pool events, networking with clients working in the field to learn about client priorities, issues and requirements.
Our SMEs work as consultants and undertake research, for example, with local authorities to improve services for young adults with disabilities.Meet Jill Thorburn, a social worker with HCPC registration. With over 20 years’ experience of adults’ and children’s social work services, Jill has carried out extensive work within the field of safeguarding adults, coupled with the experience of management in every children’s services social work discipline.And Avril Howarth, who has a doctorate which allows her to keep up to date with research, innovation and new developments through higher education networks, and is currently working with higher education, engaging with social and healthcare practitioners and students. It’s important to us that our SMEs are at the forefront of information in the health and social care sector.
They subscribe to the relevant organisation information for updates such as Skills for Care, SCIE, Community Care and the Care Quality Commission, and this means that the training and development we provide is as current as possible.We’ve been working hard on our excellent social care catalogue and have recently added a variety of new modules, including one for the STOMP campaign that’s being supported currently by the NHS and Social Care.New adult social care modules include:
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Learning Disabilities Framework
- Life Story Work
- Coercive Control
and coming soon…
- Needlestick and sharps injuries
New children’s social care modules include:
- Court Skills for Children’s Social Workers
- Social Media and Safeguarding
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Public Law Outline 2014 Life Story Work for Children
and coming soon…
- Coercive Control
You can find out more about our Social Care e-learning catalogue here, or simply fill out the form below for a 7 day free trial.