
Company News
29 March 2018
Oxford, UK: CEO Ben Betts is to feature as a guest on TLDCast this upcoming Wednesday, April 4 at 4PM GMT, 11AM EST. Ben is joining Jo...
Learning & Development
28 March 2018
Whilst there might be a good reason to have some sort of LMS to track and manage your compliance and other mandatory training, here are...
Learning & Development
27 March 2018
On May 25th the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for EU citizens will become enforceable. Whilst it’s causing a fair few headaches...
Company News
23 March 2018
Oxford, UK: Learning Pool (formerly HT2 Labs) are delighted to announce a new acquisition to their growing senior leadership team with Anna...
Learning & Development
22 March 2018
Learning Pool Platform is our Social learning platform and it specializes in getting people talking. Using content curated from around your...
Learning & Development
19 March 2018
At Learning Pool we pride ourselves on having our finger on the pulse. So, we were keen to hear what David Wilson and David Perring of the ...
Learning & Development
15 March 2018
We often get asked, can we use xAPI data to personalise a learning experience? And then, the people really pushing their luck ask, could we...
Learning & Development
15 March 2018
Is just building learning technology enough? Modern learners are increasingly looking for a learning experience at work that mirrors the...
Learning & Development
14 March 2018
Learning and Development professionals who purchase e-learning need to understand what SCORM Compliance is and how it can make or break...
Learning & Development
9 March 2018
The upcoming implementation of GDPR legislation in Europe puts additional pressure on internet data processors and controllers to ensure...
Learning & Development
8 March 2018
At Learning Pool we don’t just dispense learning, we’re in the business of learning too. That’s why at this year’s Learning Technologies we...
Learning & Development
7 March 2018
What They Are A Persona represents an actual person with a combination of zero or more identifiers and attributes, although there should...
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