
Learning & Development
4 April 2016
In the past, customer service training would have been delivered as a classroom event and not all teams would have attended. By creating an...
Learning & Development
4 April 2016
Having a positive user experience is at the heart of successful and memorable learning. Many of the customers with whom I have personally...
Learning & Development
3 April 2016
Hand-in-hand with e-learning are the efficient communication tools that sit alongside it. E-learners can contact their instructors through...
Learning & Development
2 April 2016
In this guest blog, tech writer Allie Cooper shares her take on how today’s organisations can implement talent management using the latest...
Learning & Development
2 April 2016
The concept of e-learning can seem suspiciously foreign and bizarre to those who did not grow up in the Digital Age, or to those who have...
Learning & Development
1 April 2016
Norwood’s main target audience is their front line staff, ranging from support workers in residential or supported living care homes to...
Learning & Development
27 March 2016
I’m often challenged by teachers and trainers to provide a list of ‘scientific theories’ which can be used to change current practice, so...
Learning & Development
24 March 2016
In this guest blog, Sunderland City Council’s Workforce Development Manager Dave Sharpe, shares the 8 steps that were put in place to roll...
Learning & Development
18 March 2016
First impressions? Just like the first few days of any job, my first days at Learning Pool were pretty daunting. I had been taken out of my...
Learning & Development
15 March 2016
Learning Pool secured the winner’s trophy in this closely contested category because of our excellent customer retention rate and ability...
Learning & Development
15 March 2016
‘What makes great e-learning?’ is a question we get asked a lot and instructional design is something that we are passionate about at...
Learning & Development
15 March 2016
Learning Pool Authoring provides an innovative, future proofed and low cost to this growing challenge of providing responsive e-learning...
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