This month we have chosen to showcase a module called ‘Prevent’, aligned to The Home Office Prevent Strategy 2011, which focuses on helping the public sector workforce, community groups, volunteers and members of the public to recognise, understand and refer vulnerable people who are attracted to radical views.
What is radicalisation?
Radicalisation is the act or process by which a person, comes to support or favour a more radical, extreme or fundamental change in political, economic, or social conditions, institutions or ways of thinking. Prevent aims to reduce or eliminate the risk of people of becoming involved in radicalisation.
How can we help?
Learning Pool have created the Prevent module along with Warwickshire County Council to inform the workforce about the personal and external factors that affect how susceptible a person might be to radicalisation. It also includes tips on what to look for in someone you think may be vulnerable and how to refer your concerns about this person.
This interactive module begins with a reference tool with key words that are used throughout the module. It is filled with a selection of multiple choice questions, true or false activities and case studies based on real life scenarios. The module ends with a summary and some useful links and resources to get more information.
Access this learning now
Our customers can access our Prevent module on their Adapt tenant. If you are not a customer you can access the module free for 7 days or contact us on 0207 101 9383.