What is an Learning Record Store (LRS)?

24 March 2015 Libby Cross

What is an LRS?

The Learning Record Store (LRS) is where the Tin Can statements are stored.

The LRS can sit standalone, be incorporated as part of a Learning Platform or communicate/integrate with an existing platform.

When a user interacts with content that has embedded Tin Can statements, those statements are written back to the LRS where a user can then retrieve their learning history.

SCORM vs The Tin Can API

SCORM is the analog television of learning technology, xAPI is full HD. SCORM helped us with standards based e-learning tracking, where we knew that if a piece of content was SCORM compliant we could play that content on any SCORM compliant Learning Platform and track results.

SCORM has limitations however and we’ve moved on quite a bit since it was introduced. We may have multiple devices, learn at different times from different places, and sometimes even learn offline. Tin Can overcomes SCORM limitations freeing us and enabling us to record and track informal and formal learning as and when it happens.

What can I track?

Absolutely anything can get tracked into the LRS, anything. SCORM allowed us to track pass/fail, complete/incomplete, score and time taken, Tin Can gives us the flexibility to track anything using simple action statements:

  • I took a course on blogging
  • I got a certificate for passing my blogging course
  • I wrote a blog about SCORM
  • I wrote a blog about Tin Can
  • I answered 5 blog comments

The above example is pretty typical. With SCORM, formal learning is tracked while informal learning is lost – Tin Can solves that issue, by allowing you to track anything.

What’s next?

Learning Pool are going to help implement a Tin Can tracking mechanism into the Authoring framework. You can also view our Tin Can Explained Infographic here.

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