Like many others, Tearfund previously relied heavily on global travel to build and maintain relationships, deliver training and ensure key information was made available. The last eighteen months, however, allowed the organization to leapfrog previously held assumptions about the delivery of learning solutions.
Additionally, the induction of new starters was traditionally a face-to-face process which resulted in significant travel and time commitments for the staff delivering it. For example, at the start of 2020, inductions were held in Kenya, Jordan and Haiti between January and March.
As the pandemic hit, face-to-face training was put on hold, initially with the expectation that it would resume in a few weeks, or months. But as time went on it became clear a new way of working was needed for the long term. Establishing a new approach to the management and delivery of training, Tearfund worked with Learning Pool to ensure a smooth transition to a blended approach to learning using Learning Pool Platform.