Developing your workforce talent with mobile learning

2 April 2016 Libby Cross

In this guest blog, tech writer Allie Cooper shares her take on how today’s organisations can implement talent management using the latest mobile learning technology.

As ways of learning and developing workforce talent evolve along with the technological landscape, organisational training is transforming along with it. The best practices in training for businesses are not the same as they were a few years ago. Today, new advancements in technology are being taken into consideration to create the perfect learning environment for professionals.

In the past, personal, face-to-face interaction was necessary. A few years later, virtual training enabled more flexible avenues for learning to be utilised. Then came smartphones and tablets which revolutionised the way information was accessed and used. Internet speeds have greatly increased and the network coverage has been expanded to include the obscurest of places. Training can be done anywhere, anytime – literally.

The key to mobile learning is accessibility

A factor that should be noted when creating training programs is its accessibility. More often than not, employees are prevented from attending learning courses because of their schedules. Providing a clear and easy access point is imperative for any training professional.

If a training session poses little to no hassle, motivation to learn is created. Businesses should create efforts to increase the skill set of their employees through accessible training. Mobile learning addresses this issue very effectively.

Training paraphernalia can be transferred digitally and new mediums of teaching such as webcasts, forums and supplemental materials can all be done online. This goes to show that as long as companies are proactive in providing devices and data connection plans for its workforce, training can be done virtually anywhere. Additionally, mobile transference of old training material ensures that educational materials are kept up-to-date and fresh.

Hosting a mix of training resources

Apart from possibly saving costs (by paying less to no overtime or logistical costs for seminars), online learning can be moulded to cater to different types of learners. A tailor-made training program for different types of employees is among the best ways to ensure a successful honing of skills. These learners are comprised of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.

Visual learners benefit mainly from different tools that emphasise shown information. These may come in the form of images or video for example. Auditory learners, on the other hand, can make good use of audio (.mp3, .wav), sound libraries, audio books, and discussion forums (auditory learners thrive on community discussions more so than visual and kinaesthetic learners). The last of the three is the learners who are best with hands-on instruction. Animations, Glogs, or interactive documents are great tools to utilise for kinaesthetic learners.

Always a step ahead

Businesses prosper by improving its processes, and that includes training procedures and learning sessions. Even if the company does not leverage on mobile learning and data access, opening all the possible resources for employees to complete training equates to an increase in efficiency in all of the company’s programs.


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