Talking to the business about the value of L&D

One of the most common pain points expressed by L&D practitioners is the function’s
lack of standing in the business. Learning professionals often report a lack of awareness
among stakeholders of L&D’s true value in an organization. And when times get tough, and budgets become stricter, L&D is usually one of the first things to lose out.

Part of this lack of understanding stems from the fact that L&D is often viewed as being separate from the business. Reflecting a disconnect between the perception of the value of learning and organizational outcomes.

Likewise, training is still too often narrowly conceived as something that happens in a physical room, away from the day-to-day context of work – or on a screen, as self-contained modules of ‘click-next’ e-learning. This lack of understanding means L&D sometimes feels isolated and undervalued. Talking to the business is seen as something that is difficult to do.

For these reasons, Learning Pool has drilled down into this area, asking some practitioners
about the challenges they have faced in talking to the business and the strategies they have used to make for more productive conversations.

In doing so, we have produced a series of videos with tried and tested recommendations for “talking to the business” as well as the eBook.

In this eBook, we cover:

  • Why is L&D so important?
  • L&D’s biggest pain points
  • How can technology help?
  • Top tips for success



Download the eBook now