
Integration Type

What it is

Integrate user profile, job role, and organisation structure data from Oracle HCM into the learning platform automatically, keeping all of your user information in sync.

Why our clients use this

Automatically assign and recommend learning content and personalised learning journeys and filter your reports and analytics based on user profile, job role, location, department, team, duties, skills and any other user profile information available within Oracle HCM.

Utilise all of your managerial and organisational hierachy structure from Oracle HCM seamlessly within the learning platform, to provide access to team reports and allow team managers to assign, approve and sign-off learning and skills and provide direct 1-2-1 feedback to team members within the platform.

Enable managers and senior stakeholders to gain deep insight into skills and team readiness for new roles and organisational change based on the managerial and organisational structures in Oracle HCM.

Automatically manage your active user accounts to maximise your learning platform licences.

Provide automated updates and escalations to team managers and senior leaders based on learning completions, learner progress, and compliance due dates.

Use learning completions as a trigger for data changes and automated processes within Oracle HCM.

HR/HCM Video