Just how easy is it to use Learning Pool Authoring?
First impressions? Just like the first few days of any job, my first days at Learning Pool were pretty daunting. I had been taken out of my comfort zone as a happy-go-lucky Visual Communication student, and placed into the world of work.
All I could think about was making a good impression with my designs and quietly hoping I would get on with my new colleagues. This mild anxiety then doubled when I was introduced to Learning Pool Authoring on my first day!
As a newcomer, my feelings for Learning Pool Authoring were similar to the first time I got my hands on Photoshop.
There was the initial excitement of all the cool things I wanted to do and fortunately, Learning Pool Authoring is very user friendly and Learning Pool offer a great range of services to help you master it.
Since I work as an intern here, I had the luxury of the graphic design team offering to help when they saw that mix of confusion and frustration on my face during my first few baby steps into the world of designing e-learning modules.
I also had access to Learning Pool Academy which has some fantastic modules on how to use Learning Pool Authoring to its full potential. My own personal method of getting to grips with this new piece of software was simply getting stuck in and playing around to see what everything did was a fairly efficient way of finding out how it worked.
It’s a good method, as long as you always make sure to press cancel when leaving the theme picker option! Room for Creativity I’ve been using Learning Pool Authoring now for five weeks and honestly don’t know how I’ll go back to normal college work in September.
It has such well thought out and structured themes, but allows so much room for creativity, which is very unique.
I really like the layouts of the themes and menus, they’re very similar to modern web layouts; responsive, with an emphasis on scrolling (which you can customise to have graphics appear and disappear as you scroll).
So to wrap up, there’s a lot of creativity involved with Learning Pool Authoring and although I may be the ‘new guy’ I certainly don’t feel that way.
When it comes to working in Learning Pool, Authoring is just as important as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop and is a necessary tool when it comes to designing e-learning modules.
If I can do it, you can do it too (probably just faster, with minimal effort!).Create your own modules
Visit our Learning Pool Authoring page for more information on how you can get hands on and get started creating your own modules.