Library Content

Housing Library

Ensure your staff and tenants have access to all of the training they need, wherever and whenever they need it

Couple viewing a house with letting agent

Trusted by global companies

FA Villeroy Leonardo IHG-1 RC Valvoline

Convenient, low cost and scalable training on regulatory requirements and best practice in housing tenancy

Our Housing Library is created in partnership with private, local government and not-for-profit housing organizations across the UK.

Skills management
Gamification and a story-driven design bring real-world scenarios to life, helping to reinforce learning through knowledge application.
time saving

Built-in refresher training shortens time spent on recurring compliance training and content can be drip-fed to keep training requirements simple.

skills development

Learning Pool-authored content allows you to add your branding, change images, edit colors and fonts, reference internal policies, and emphasize your message to make the course content truly your own.

Want to find out more?

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Housing Library Lessons

Our content is continually improving and growing to ensure you have the lessons you need.

Affordable Rent

Managing Your Money

Data Protection Essentials

Managing Your Tenancy

Employment and Support Allowance

Professional Boundaries for Housing Associations

Fixed Term Tenancies

The Sales Process