Library Content
Manufacturing Library
A practical and realistic approach to training on modern manufacturing methodologies

Trusted by global companies

Manufacturing is an ever-changing industry and meeting production goals is one of the main priorities.
Staff entering today’s manufacturing workforce must process and balance huge amounts of complex information to make better and quicker decisions than ever before. Due to the specialized skills and expertise required, we’ve designed an extensive portfolio of mobile-responsive solutions that take into account the working environments of employees from the shop floor to the boardroom.
Built-in refresher training shortens time spent on recurring compliance training and content can be drip-fed to keep training requirements simple.
Learning Pool-authored content allows you to add your branding, change images, edit colors and fonts, reference internal policies, and emphasize your message to make the course content truly your own.
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Manufacturing Lessons
Our content is continually improving and growing to ensure you have the Lessons you need.