How Skills Intelligence Can Help Transform Your Business

09 November 2023

Transform your business with skills

95% of HR professionals see the availability of skills as the most significant challenge for their organization. But only 54% agree that they are leading in investing in skills development.

At the heart of the challenge for most organizations is a clear and quantified understanding of current skills gaps compared to priorities for the future. Using skills and evidence to set priorities and manage personal development only adds to the sense of pressure.

Skills intelligence is the thread that runs through targeted and effective planning and development at speed and at scale to help transform your workforce with skills development.

In this conversation, Christoph Küeffer, Director of Skills at Leaning Pool and Myles Runham, Senior Analyst at Fosway will discuss the current state of the market for skills development and learning, what skills intelligence means and how it can be applied to both long term transformation and short term benefits.

They will cover:

  • The skills imperative as a universal challenge in a changing environment
  • Using skills intelligence to understand the most important gaps to fill at speed and scale
  • Shaping the long term prize and achieving short term wins
  • How skills intelligence can personalize development
Christoph Küffer

Christoph Küffer

Director of Skills

Christoph has been working in the HR sector for over twenty years, as a specialist, Head of Human Resources and most recently as an entrepreneur. He was a founding partner and managing director of People-Analytix AG, which was acquired by Learning Pool in 2022. He is author of the BetterBoss book series and lecturer for digital HR.