5 tips for finding the right upskilling solution for your business
Everyone appreciates a workplace where employees are equipped with the latest tools, knowledge, and expertise to thrive in their roles and where people can quickly adapt to new technologies and offer innovative solutions for the company’s success. This can be achieved through upskilling and reskilling, but crafting the ideal strategy can be tricky.
You need to search for a provider that complements your employees current abilities but also prepares them for the future. Below, you’ll discover insider tips to help you find the perfect upskilling solution.
How to find the right upskilling solution for your organization
1. Needs analysis
A comprehensive needs analysis is like a map that will help you navigate your business in the right direction. First, you need to step back and assess your employees’ current skills and competencies. It’s important to understand exactly what your teams are capable of and their strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to spot the skill gaps and thus know what learning opportunities you should aim to offer your workforce. A needs analysis also takes your long-term goals and growth strategies into consideration and ensures that your teams develop accordingly. You could say that a needs analysis is the foundation on which you’ll build your upskilling and reskilling programs. This should be an ongoing process. As your organization evolves, your requirements shift.
2. Define clear objectives
After you’ve identified your skill gaps and learning opportunities, you need to establish clear and specific objectives regarding your upskilling solution. So, if you’ve noticed that your teams need to improve their online privacy practices, you could aim for them to complete an internet security awareness seminar by the end of next month. Of course, your upskilling and reskilling goals should align with your company’s goals. If your company is focused on sustainability, for example, you can’t forget to include relevant courses in your employees’ training program. However, remember that your workforce can’t train on multiple things at once on top of their workload. That’s why you must prioritize what you want them to learn first.
3. Get internal input
Change can be intimidating for your workforce, so you need to be an apt communicator and explain the reasons behind the upskilling solution and how it will benefit them. You can involve them in the process by asking for their opinions and finding the perfect program for them collaboratively. To increase the chances of your program being successful, establish a supportive environment early on that encourages open dialogue and lifelong learning.
4. Weigh the options
You need to find a partner who will work with you to achieve your goals and understands your organization’s unique requirements. Online reviews and case studies are a great way to vet potential vendors and identify which ones possess the necessary expertise and tech know-how. Also, check out their website to ensure that they’re a good fit for your business and tick all the boxes. For example, do they offer self-directed learning to support workflow learning and automate learning recommendations?
5. Sign up for a demo
Request a demo to see how your top choice can help you address your existing skill gaps and craft an upskilling and reskilling program that brings results. This also gives you an idea of how the solutions provider will collaborate with your team and the experience they bring to the table. Be sure to compile a list of questions you’d like to ask and/or concerns that your stakeholders have shared with you during the input sessions.
A standardized upskilling solution can be a recipe for disaster, so it’s integral to craft the perfect plan for you. Since every organization has unique needs, different departments, and different employees, why try to put your company where it doesn’t fit? A tailored approach from a trusted training provider will complete the puzzle and give your workforce exactly what they need.
Learn how to best utilize the talent within your existing workforce and how to prepare them for leadership roles with our ultimate guide to upskilling and reskilling.