Experience Matters OLX for Learning Experience Design: Making Sense of Week 2
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Experience Matters: A Crash Course in Learning Experience Design is now well underway, with just two more weeks of facilitated learning to go.
Designed as an intensive introduction to Learning Experience Design, we’re covering a new topic every week in that hope that, by the end of the OLX, you’ll all have a much clearer understanding of how to use the LXP to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences for your workforce.
In last week’s levels, we were focusing on Personalized Learning, and how this increasingly popular trend can enhance your Learning and Development initiatives. From increased user engagement and motivation to learn, to recommended content and learning activities suited to the individual’s learning goals, the personalized learning approach enhances the user experience in many different ways.
What Do We Mean by Personalized Learning?
In this day and age, the term Personalization has been floating about in many different aspects of our lives. If you’re a Spotify or Netflix fan, you might know that personalized experiences often mean receiving recommendations for content these platforms believe you will like based on previously stipulated preferences and the types of content you have previously consumed.
In the L&D world, Personalized Learning works in a similar way. We use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to determine a user’s interests. Learning material and content is then recommended to them based on a variety of considerations – for example, what material they have consumed previously, what their learning/career goals are, and what content people in a similar role have consumed.
Rejecting the ‘one size fits one’ approach as seen in most traditional online learning opportunities, Personalized Learning focusing on addressing the distinct learning needs, interests, and aspirations of the individual learner.
As a result, not only does learning become more concise and worthwhile to the learner, initiating a rise in learner motivation and engagement, but it also sees learners providing feedback on the activities recommended to them. Was it useful? Did it meet the needs of their goal? Do they require more information on this particular topic?
Using this feedback, the algorithm used to provide recommended content will continue to improve upon the activities and content available to the learner, ensuring the learning journey remains relevant and engaging throughout.
What Did We Learn in Week 2?
In a recent blog post by one of Learning Pool’s (formerly HT2 Labs) Product Managers, it was demonstrated that learning should become an everyday part of an employee’s workday’; instead of something that is set aside from day-to-day tasks, often forgotten about or deemed unimportant, not worth dedicating time to.
It is recognized that on-the-job learning is happening much more often than organizations are allowing credit for. Yet, through the Personalization of workplace learning, learners are much more likely to see learning opportunities as an investment into their career, rather than a form of compliance training they have no choice in.
As always, we have broken down the key learning points of this section of the OLX, along with the key resource for more detailed explanations.
Key Learning: To understand what we mean by Personalized Learning and what users really want from it
Key Learning: To understand the importance of User Experience (UX) in learning
Key Learning: To understand how you can bring learning into the everyday workflow of employees in the workplace
Key Learning: To understand how you can use Reach to create Personalized Learning Experiences
Haven’t yet started your journey through the Experience Matters OLX? Don’t worry – there’s still plenty of time to enrol on the course and work your way through the levels. For more information on Personalized Learning our blog has all the answers.