Maximizing employee performance in telecommunications

4 October 2023 Shannon Layton

Telecommunications plays an essential role in interconnecting businesses and social lives. 

The globalized economy is increasingly reliant on a robust and continuously evolving telecoms sector.  To maintain the pace of invention and change, telecoms companies require highly skilled and motivated employees who can consistently perform at the highest level.

Telecommunications continues to grow – and fast

The telecoms market is big business.  It’s estimated that global spending in the sector will reach 1.5 trillion US dollars in 2023.  That represents nearly a 3% increase on 2022 figures.  What’s more, the sector is predicted to expand at a rate of 5% annually over the decade.  That growth depends on the innovative use of technology and the performance of key people.

New technology is driving telecoms

A quick survey of industry trends reveals that the development of new technologies is powering the telecoms expansion.  The continuing rollout of 5G networks globally is delivering higher capacity for both customers and businesses.  The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), integrating intelligence in a wide range of devices, only increases the demand for data connectivity and data management.  The greater use of AI and Machine Learning allows telecoms companies to do business faster and more effectively and deliver better services for customers.  

Telecommunications companies need to invest in the future

Making the most of the business opportunities offered by new technology requires telecommunications companies to analyze and manage large volumes of data and invest in new infrastructure like fiber networks and satellite communication systems.  Automation and cloud computing are being deployed to cut business costs.

Telecoms companies are automating processes and services enabling them to introduce efficiencies into the business and remove repetitive and low-value tasks and jobs from the industry.

Investing in people is critical for growth

Automation will, however, not remove the need to rely on people.  On the contrary, automating tasks and processes will enable organizations to redeploy and upskill employees to take on vital strategic roles.  Data-centric businesses like telecoms will require cohorts of highly trained, specialized knowledge workers to take them forward.  

That shift from low-value to highly skilled work presents a huge challenge for training and recruitment.  Highly qualified people are hard to find and, in a volatile jobs market, difficult to keep.  Quality training is the means to the goal of creating an environment where top performance is the norm.  A business that values, challenges, and develops its employees is able to retain existing talent and attract new talent.

Training needs to be extensive and flexible

Any training solution for telecommunications has to keep pace with technological innovation, shifting business requirements, and evolving customer needs.  Employees will need new skills to utilize and sell enhanced tools, services, and products and deliver the expertise and experience customers demand.  New hires and any employees acquired in business consolidations must be quickly brought up to speed.  Even long-serving, experienced employees require upskilling.

E-learning provides a good fit for telecoms training

The huge demand for highly skilled staff means training needs to be both comprehensive and agile.  It must be capable of quickly and seamlessly providing information and guidance on new tools, services, and protocols.  It should be easy to roll out new learning content across an organization that may be spread across different locations and geographies.

E-learning is scalable, flexible, targeted, and consistent.  Content in a variety of formats is stored and curated in a central location.  The learning platform is accessible anytime, anywhere on a variety of devices, including mobile.  Industry-standard e-learning modules can be easily customized and quickly updated.  Businesses can create their own content and the learning platform facilitates user-generated content to empower knowledge sharing.  E-learning standardizes training and consolidates best practices.

Personalized learning supports upskilling

E-learning uses data to personalize learning for individual employees as part of a tailored training program.  Personalization makes learning relevant and helps keep learners engaged.  Personal development plans bolstered by learner-centered content with milestones and recognized rewards make employees feel valued and supported.  Personalized learning helps keep skills levels high and knowledge current. 

Transforming employees into knowledge workers requires continuous learning

The fast-paced environment in telecommunications is constantly testing skills levels.  Telecoms training needs to adopt the principle and practice of continuous learning.  This means constantly reviewing training material to make sure it’s accurate.  It also involves utilizing the intelligent data generated by e-learning to identify and bridge skills gaps.  Assessments and refresher training help maintain performance levels.

E-learning can play a part in establishing an organization-wide culture of learning where knowledge sharing is widely recognized and prized and employees feel a responsibility for their own advancement and development.

E-learning enhances performance

Whether a telecoms business creates its own expertise or buys it in, it will need to maintain and expand it.  A culture and program of continuous learning and upskilling promotes the acquisition, sharing, and prioritization of knowledge.  A climate of learning nurtures the development of knowledge workers.  These are highly skilled and valued employees who are trained and motivated to perform at the top level.  In a highly competitive sector like telecommunications, the greatest asset and shrewdest investment are its people.

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