Modern slavery – how you can make a difference

28 March 2017 Libby Cross
More than 35 million people are living in slavery. This crisis, fuelled by global conflict, will only get worse with each passing day. It’s up to each of us to help make a difference.

What is modern slavery?

Around the world, millions of people are robbed of their basic human rights. Modern slavery isn’t someone in actual chains. Instead, it’s a vulnerable person forced to work with little or no pay.

It could be that guy working long hours at the local car wash or that girl who’s thin as bones and can’t speak English. Sometimes you have a gut feeling something is off.

Modern slavery is an umbrella term and includes slavery, forced or compulsory labour, servitude and human trafficking. Victims can’t leave, controlled by punishment, threats, violence and deception.

How many people are affected?

The hidden nature of the abuse means the actual numbers of victims involved is difficult to define.

It’s estimated that there could be more than 35 million people worldwide affected by modern slavery, with a staggering 13,000 victims in the UK.

Thousands of child migrants are arriving alone in Europe each year – tricked by false promises of a better life. Instead, they find themselves trafficked into prostitution and slavery.

How can I help?

Although crimes are well concealed and there’s no ‘typical victim’, there are certain signs you can watch out for.

Modern slavery could be happening right under your nose, but without knowing the red flags, victims may be passing by, unnoticed.

One of the key ways you can help is getting to know these tell-tale signs and learn what you need to do if you think something is wrong.

Your legal obligation

There’s not just a moral and ethical reason to get involved. Introduction of UK’s first independent anti-slavery commissioner and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 means everyone has a vital role to play in tackling this issue.

The Act was introduced to protect vulnerable people and to make sure companies carry out due diligence across their business and supply chain. Demand for cheap labour is high and the risks of slavery in supply chains, in the UK and internationally, is a real issue.

Slavery in the supply chain is an abuse of basic human rights in the pursuit of profits. All businesses have a duty to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Free modern slavery training module

We’re doing our part to help. Our free, interactive Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking e-learning module is designed to heighten awareness of the signs of exploitation.

Paul McElvaney, Learning Pool CEO explains more:

“Millions of vulnerable people worldwide fall victim to this appalling crime. We need to tackle this problem together.

We’re doing our part by making this training free for everyone, helping to raise awareness of modern slavery and covering ways to help victims.”

What will I learn?

Our e-learning module is packed with 60 minutes of learning content, designed so you can:

  • define what modern slavery is
  • recognise the red flags
  • understand steps to take if you suspect a case of modern slavery
  • get advice for dealing with child and adult victims
  • discover the laws associated with modern slavery

Download your free module, today

You can make a difference. And help save someone from the living nightmare of modern slavery.

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