Paul McElvaney joins Sky TV for Public Sector’s Digital Transformation discussion

24 October 2019 Shannon Layton

Discussing the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector, CEO, Paul McElvaney features on Sky TV’s new IT Innovation series, ‘Digitalization of the Public Sector’.


‘Digitalization of the Public Sector’ is an exciting new series launched by Executive TV for broadcasting on Sky TV as well as via links from relevant websites.

Learning Pool’s CEO, Paul McElvaney appeared in the episode ‘Digital Support’, along with two other companies at the heart of the digital transformation, to discuss the many ways technology assists businesses in improving their service offerings.

The series showcased the work being undertaken to ensure public sector companies are fully equipped to handle the many challenges ahead and contained contributions from leading organizations and advisors from all sectors who are best placed to address these important issues.

Learning Pool is the UK’s leading provider of elearning to the public sector and has witnessed the struggles the sector has faced over the years. Budgets have been cut and the people they work with, in particular, councils, have been challenged to do more with less, which in turn has required Learning Pool to deliver improved service and a better offering for the same or a reduced price.

Watch the video below to find out more.

About Executive TV

Executive TV is a leading provider of business to business documentaries encompassing the whole of British commerce and industry, delivering the innovation, experience and expertise of our partners to our audience of entrepreneurs and executives. Our goal is to expose the secrets of a successful business to help you find the opportunities for growth.

About Learning Pool

Learning Pool is a full-service elearning provider, offering a range of courses, tools and content creation to over 750 organizations and 2 million learners in 21 countries. With the largest and most flexible catalogue of content on the market and a reliable and robust LMS, Learning Pool delivers a highly customized learning experience, combining their expertise in personalized learning, gamification and AI-driven performance. 

As Learning Technologies Company of the Year, Learning Pool has also been awarded Gold Investors in People status, retained its two-star accreditation for Outstanding Employee Engagement in the Sunday Times Best Companies 2019 and achieved Gold Standard in Deloitte’s prestigious Best Managed Companies Awards. They also secured certification for the new G-Cloud 11 framework to deliver their market-leading elearning cloud software to public sector organizations throughout the UK.

The recent acquisition of HT2 Labs, a leading provider of innovative learning technology solutions, saw staff numbers rise to near 200 colleagues across Learning Pool’s seven offices in the UK and US. 

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