When a small family business grows into a household name, how do you ensure the ethos and mindset that allowed it to flourish isn’t lost? How do you make sure every employee knows the value of their role, and understands the important part they play in the business’s success, whether there are 100 or 1,000 of them?
Owned by the Mead family for more than half a century, Yeo Valley began life when Roger and Mary Mead took on Holt Farms with 30 cows, a few sheep and some arable crops. The yogurt business came about just over ten years later when they started selling yogurt around the valley in their Morris Minor van, and as they say, the rest is history!
Today, Yeo Valley has sites spanning eight locations across Somerset, Devon and London, and its employees have a wide variety of roles, from hospitality and property management to sales and marketing as well as technical, engineering and dairy operations roles – which is the focus of this case study within Yeo Valley Production Ltd.
Great learning and development are imperative for employee engagement, and learning and development systems and courses play a huge part in this important mix. This impact story shows how Learning Pool Platform is facilitating a wide-scale change for Yeo Valley to improve career development, job satisfaction and employee safety and retention.