A Guide to Enhancing Engagement: Part One
May 13, 2019
For over a decade, the L&D community have utilized the Massive Open Online Course (OLX) to give learners easy access to free, carefully curated resources and social learning opportunities.
As state-of-the-art tools, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and smart recommendation engines continue to proliferate the L&D market, it is only natural for us to expect a more data-focused, autonomy-led culture to develop.
At the start of 2019, this reality saw Learning Pool (formerly HT2 Labs) wave goodbye to the beloved OLX, launching the first ever Open Learning Experience (OLX) – a flexible, autonomous development on the traditional OLX.
A New Era of Learning
Over the last year, the L&D community observed a shift in workplace learning following the introduction of one of the industry’s most-talked-about trends; the Learning Pool Platform.
A tool that incorporates Automation, Social Intelligence Dashboards, Semantic Analysis and more, the Learning Experience Platform offers modern, data-driven, self-directed learning unique to each individual user.
And much like the LXP, the OLX was designed to incorporate the best of both worlds – a defined course structure that can be both facilitated by administrators and taken at a pace deemed appropriate by the user, as well as harnessing the data produced throughout the course to recommend supplementary learning content/activities, nudge learners who are falling behind and reward those racing ahead.
A Guide to Enhancing Engagement
Data, Nudges and Learning: A Guide to Enhancing Engagement launched Monday 29th April and is Learning Pool (formerly HT2 Labs)’ first ever Open Learning Experience. Taking place over a 10-week period, the OLX is comprised of 3 parts, each exploring a different element of data usage.
Exploring both Nudge Theory and Learning & Motivation Theory, Part One (which ended last week) discussed and demonstrated how these principles can be applied in digital L&D initiatives to provide a more personal and compelling experience for the learner.
This part of the course aimed to help you understand how to impact learner behaviour by exploring examples of effective nudge design, as well as introducing Sparks (part of Learning Locker’s Automation app suite) which triggers actions following specific behaviours; drastically reducing the need for manual processes and administrative tasks.
Part One: Key Learning Points
Not completely breaking away from our traditions with the OLX, we’ve summarized the key learning points from the first instalment of the OLX, along with the learning resources used to help aid your understanding.
With two weeks before the second instalment begins, you have plenty of time to jump back into the course and further your understanding of Nudge Theory.
Key Learning
- Understanding the key concepts of Nudge Theory
- Exploring examples of Nudge Theory in practice
- Observing the application of Nudge Theory principles
- Designing your own Nudges
Learning Material
Nudge Summary by Richard H. Thaler
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