A Guide to Enhancing Engagement: Part Three

10 July 2019 Chris Dunne

For any L&D professional looking to examine the relationship between workplace training and its business benefits by analyzing the collected data, ‘Data & Business Benefits’ – the final instalment in our 3-part ‘Data, Nudges & Learning’ Open Learning Experience (OLX) – delved into the core measures, such as Return on Investment (ROI), as well as some of the less obvious impacts that data analytics can inform.  

Over a two week facilitated period, we also observed the ways of using information regarding the impact on performance to optimize your programs, as well as how to communicate the business benefits to your organization; making the case for ongoing investment in training and development.  

Key Learning Points: Part Three  

The first two instalments of our OLX observed the ‘how’ of data in learning. We looked at both Nudge Theory and Learning & Motivation Theory, exploring how its principles can be applied to L&D initiatives to provide a more personal experience for the learner.  

We then examined the ways in which the data you collect interacts with your course design, the part it plays in informing future decisions and facilitating more impactful change.  

But for part three, we shifted the focus to the ‘why’ of data, taking a look at how the xAPI can be used to determine the ROI of your investment, as well as exploring how data is put to work in Learning Locker® and the value in collecting different data types.  

The facilitated portion of our OLX has come to an end, but the course will remain open for the foreseeable future, meaning you can dive back into the platform anytime you want a refresher.  

In the meantime, the key learning points and the resources needed to aid your understanding are listed below

Key Learning  

  • Understanding the role of data in determining the real impact of your training investment 
  • Understanding the business benefits of an ongoing training program 
  • Understanding the kinds of data worth collecting/analyzing

Learning Material  

New to the experience? The facilitated portion may have ended, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still join the ‘A Guide to Enhancing Engagement: Data, Nudges & Learning’ 3-part OLX. Start from the beginning now 

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